Tips for Left Hand Violin Technique
Sample LH technique lesson from Suzuki book 1
More tips from Unit 3 of Fabulous Fundamentals.
Videos about left hand violin technique
Blog posts and articles
Why Does My Violin Bounce When I Do Vibrato?
A shaking scroll during vibrato is a very common problem that is usually caused by one or more culprits.
Why Scales Are Essential for Violinists
Scales as our secret antidote to poor intonation. Although Lora provides some good ideas on how to practice scales, it is liberating to know that the most important thing is to just do it! Practice your scales in any way you can. You will discover your inner Jedi!
50 Shades of Violin Vibrato
Free worksheet which helps violin students expand their vibrato palette by exploring 9 different combinations of vibrato speed and width.
Independent Fingers vs. Block Fingers on Violin
What is the block fingers method for the left hand on violin? Come find out and see why I teach the “spider fingers” method instead for violin technique.
Can Old Hands Learn New Tricks….like Vibrato?
Yes, old hands can learn violin vibrato. Ready my tips for how to train your hands to do vibrato.
5 Ways to Fix a Collapsing Pinky
5 easy tips to fix a collapsing pinky finger for violinists.
Is this common problem hurting your violin vibrato?
Whether you are working with an in-person teacher to learn vibrato, or are trying to learn violin vibrato online, watch out for this common problem.
5 Tips for Minimizing (and Coping with) Callouses
Callouses are normal and can be beneficial for violinists, buy they can be excessive. If yours bother you, here are some tips.
How to Play Violin with Big Fingers
Yes, you can play the violin with large fingers. Here are some tips.
Damn That Opposeable Thumb!!!
They say that opposeable thumbs are what enabled Humans to adapt and evolve technologically. In the world of violin playing, those darn thumbs can create problems…but it’s easy to solve. Read on.